Correlation Guides
The California EEI Curriculum is a great resource for supporting the Common Core State Standards (Common Core) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Below are links to free correlation guides designed to help teachers see how EEI Curriculum lessons can support Common Core and NGSS instruction.
Common Core Correlation Guides
All 85 EEI Curriculum have been correlated to the Common Core. These guides identify specific Common Core standards supported in each EEI Curriculum unit.
Next Generation Science Standards Correlation Guides
Thirty-eight EEI Curriculum science units have been correlated to the NGSS. The NGSS correlation guides were designed to help teachers see how the content of the EEI can support NGSS-focused instruction.
The “Next Generation Science Standards” logo is a registered trademark of Achieve. Except for the State of California, neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards, was involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these correlation guides.